Saturday, February 20, 2010

Your Body's pH

6 Tips to Living Longer: Balancing Your Body's pH

by: Stan Howard

Scientists armed with a mounting body of evidence and research from across the world are waging war on what they claim is the biggest killer in the West--an overly acidic body.

The theory goes that whenever the body burns fuel it creates acidic toxins as a by-product. Many scientists now believe that high build-ups of these acid wastes can be a primary cause of chronic disease, overweight and aging.

Live longer by following these six simple tips to re-balance your body's acid-alkaline levels ("pH"):

Live Longer Checklist

--Drink ionized alkaline water
--Eat an acid-neutralizing diet
--Reduce stress
--Stop smoking
--Drink during air travel


Various studies reveal that a balanced body pH has been shown to:

--Reduce heart disease in a town in Finland by 22%
--Reduce insulin dependence in North American type 1 diabetes patients by 83%
--Reduce arthritis pain, linked to chronic build-up of uric acid
--Reduce risk of cancer (cancer cells flourish in an acidic environment)
--Slow the aging process. Aging starts when the body stops getting rid of internally generated wastes and toxins.

Studies and research suggest that even mild acid-waste build-up can cause:

--Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen -- so important for healthy cells
--Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
--Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones
--Immune deficiency
--Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations
--Hormone concerns
--Premature aging
--Osteoporosis: weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs
--Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid build-up
--Low energy and chronic fatigue
--Slow digestion and elimination
--Yeast / fungal overgrowth


Each cell in your body can only function as well as the fluid it is surrounded by -- like a fish in a bowl. So the cleaner and less acidic the liquids in your body are, the healthier you're likely to be.

Considering that the body eliminates acidic waste through body liquids in four different ways -- respiration, urination, perspiration or defecation, the key to good health means:

--Drink enough of the right type of water to hydrate the body properly
--Drink ionized alkaline water -- studies show it's twice as effective in flushing out acid toxins as bottled or filtered water
--As you get older, total water to body ratio decreases, making elimination harder. So you need to drink more.
--Same thing goes for when it's hot. Drink more.


Changing your diet can significantly reduce the level of acidity in your body. But if you can't cut out acid-producing foods, it's even more important to drink alkaline water.

Eat more of these foods that neutralize acidity in the body:

--Leafy greens and most veggies
--Most fruits including citrus
--Polyunsaturated fats found in seed oils (flax and hemp), fatty fish (seabass, tuna, mackeral, trout, salmon), coconut milk and avocado
--Okay proteins include chicken breast, tofu, and many seeds

Eat fewer acid-producing foods like:

--Animal protein (beef, chicken, pork and eggs)
--Dairy products
--Soy sauce


Being overweight has nothing to do with fats or calories, according to some authors like Dr. Robert Young, author of the pH Miracle for Weight Loss. He believes putting on weight can be traced to a build-up of acid waste -- if it isn't eliminated, it parks on your hips, buttocks and elsewhere, so you get fat. Try the following instead:

--Exercise makes you sweat and breathe harder -- both processes eliminate toxins.
--Saunas also make you sweat. Take one often.
--Don't over-exercise. This causes a build-up of lactic acid that the body can't eliminate, so it's deposited as fatty tissue.


--Relax. Anger and hostility have been shown to increase stomach acidity, which can lead to peptic and stress ulcers, or ulceration colitis.


--Smoking also increase stomach acidity
--If you do smoke, the more acidic your body, the stronger your nicotine craving will be.


The air inside airplane cabins is super-dry (less relative humidity than the Sahara desert), and can result in extreme dehydration, increased acidity and jet-lag.

--Drink at least 8 oz (quarter liter) of water for every hour you fly, especially long-haul frequent flyers.

Stan Howard is a researcher with Best Water, which specializes in water ionizers and water purification. Learn the essential keys for healthy drinking water.

Stan Howard is a researcher with Best Water, which specializes in water ionizers and water purification. Learn the essential keys for healthy drinking water.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stage Three Fat Diet

If you have completed Stage One and Stage Two you will have noticed your body becoming a fine specimen indeed. You would have lost excess weight, optimised your energy levels, and sharpened your mind. And if you've acheived that, you're ready for Stage Three.

What Stage Three aims to achieve

  • Appreciation of healthy foods at healthy times.
  • A joyful relationship with food.
  • Enhancement of your natural judgement towards food selection.
  • An ongoing journey of getting in touch with your natural instincts - being true to your biology.

How to do Stage Three

The process of getting in tune with your instincts has begun. So lets explore further, and take it to another level.
How long to stay on Stage Three
As long as you like. And at anytime you can go back to Stage One or Two if you need to kickstart things again.
Every Morning
First thing upon waking - slam down a big cup of water. Your body will love it!
Every Day
Nurture any desire or craving you may have for natural unprocessed foods such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, oily fish and lean meat. Learn to graze on small amounts, and drink plenty of water.
Every Night
Feast on a healthy meal, rejoice in food, eat it with your hands if possible! Smell it and experience it as intimately as you can, for food is life!


Desiring healthy foods means that you have succesfully tuned into your instincts. The rest is easy, and incredibly enjoyable. It's all about training your body to love good food, and that's what the Caveman Power Diet does
  • By now you will have likely revolutionised your system, and returned to a natural equilibrium with food. Your instincts would have become sharper and your intuition towards food more accurate. Is there room for improvement?
  • Your body is now your guide - can you trust it? If not, you can further practise the Cavemen Power principles to help develop that trust in your judgment towards food. It's the most natural thing you can do, so think like an animal, and feast on life giving food

Congratulations - and welcome to your new, healthy life!

Matt Emery - Author